Trust Administration

Gary L. White, Esq. 

When you’ve been appointed trustee or are the successor trustee for a living trust and the grantor passes away, you take on serious responsibilities. Of course, you will feel a sense of obligation to the friend or loved one who entrusted you with management of the trust, but that’s only the beginning. Florida law sets forth specific duties for a trustee.


Some of the most significant responsibilities of a Florida trustee include:

  • Loyalty to the beneficiaries: the trustee is bound to put the interests of the beneficiaries ahead of their own in any trust-related dealings.
  • Impartiality: a trustee must consider and act in the best interests of all beneficiaries.
  • Management of trust property: the trustee must take responsibility for all trust property, including gathering, protecting, recording, and accounting for such property.
  • Informing and accounting to beneficiaries: the trustee has an obligation to keep qualified beneficiaries informed about the trust and its administration.

Of course, each of these obligations has a specific and sometimes complex legal meaning. For example, the duty to inform and account to beneficiaries includes specific timelines and notice requirements. And, the section of the statute addressing loyalty to beneficiaries includes extensive detail regarding potential conflicts of interest.

​Fortunately, you don’t have to manage your obligations alone.

Loving adult female hug comfort caress crying elderly mother wipe tears use paper tissue, show support and care, depressed desperate mom and daughter feel sad unhappy mourning for family loss

Hiring An Experienced Trust Administration Attorney Can Help

Gary L. White is an experienced trust administration attorney who can help you fulfill your obligations as trustee and the role your loved one entrusted to you. Elite Estate Planning will analyze any potential conflicts of interest and advise you on best practices, create documents, and assist in the assembly of reports, and otherwise guide you through the fiduciary process. 

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An Experienced Elder Law Attorney Can Help Protect Your Future

Good planning is the key to a secure future, from providing for your loved ones after your death to ensuring that your wishes are carried out if you need medical care after becoming incapacitated. An estate planning attorney with experience in elder care issues can help you assess your current situation and potential future needs and create the structure that best protects your interests.

Getting the help you need is a click away. Schedule your initial consultation today.