Florida Probate Services

Gary L. White, Esq. 

When you’re dealing with the death of a loved one, figuring out the complicated legal process of probate is likely the last thing on your mind. Attorney Gary L. White and his amazing team at Elite Estate Planning can relieve some of the stress associated with probate so you can focus on grief and recovery.

What is Probate?

Probate is the legal process of validating and administering a deceased person’s will and identifying and distributing the decedent’s assets. In situations where there is no will, probate is often necessary to administer the decedent’s estate. This is called probate for intestate succession. This short explanation of probate may suggest that the process is simple and easy. However, quite the opposite is true for many Floridians.
Florida probate can include any number of time-consuming and complex tasks, such as:

  • Locating and validating the decedent’s Last Will & Testament
  • Identifying probate assets
  • Filing a Petition for Administration with the probate court
  • Issuing a Notice to Creditors
  • Identifying and paying outstanding debts
  • Filing and paying taxes for the estate
  • Cataloging estate assets and property
  • Distributing assets to heirs and beneficiaries
  • Filing a Petition for Discharge with the probate court

This can be a challenging and confusing process without guidance from an experienced estate planning and probate attorney. Gary L. White, Esq. is a Boca Raton probate attorney who understands the sensitive nature of losing a loved one. His compassion and personalized approach, combined with his extensive knowledge of Florida probate law, make him a legal advocate you can count on.

Loving adult female hug comfort caress crying elderly mother wipe tears use paper tissue, show support and care, depressed desperate mom and daughter feel sad unhappy mourning for family loss

Medicaid Crisis Planning

Veteran’s Benefits

An Experienced Elder Law Attorney Can Help Protect Your Future

Good planning is the key to a secure future, from providing for your loved ones after your death to ensuring that your wishes are carried out if you need medical care after becoming incapacitated. An estate planning attorney with experience in elder care issues can help you assess your current situation and potential future needs and create the structure that best protects your interests.

Types of Probate Administration

Formal Administration

This type of probate is required for decedents who have been deceased for less than two years and whose estates are valued at over $75,000. Valuing an estate can be challenging, as Florida probate laws have specific requirements for which assets pass through probate. For example, property held in certain trusts is not required to pass through probate. Jointly-held assets and property with a designated beneficiary may not be subject to probate, either.

Summary Administration

Often a quicker and easier process, summary administration is generally reserved for estates worth less than $75,000 and for decedents who have been passed away for over two years. Some estates that meet these criteria may still be required to go through formal administration in certain circumstances, which is why working with a Florida probate attorney is advisable.

Getting the help you need is a click away. Schedule your initial consultation today.